Health Care Activism By Women Who Know How to Stir the Pot
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Lucky Cat Brunch 2019

Lucky Cat Brunch: Mother’s Day By Choice

IHWSH held the inaugural Lucky Cat on May 5th, 2019 at gorgeous Ralph Smith Photography. The talented volunteer cadre included Tina Blanco, Layne Cruz, Mary Cuclis, Shiva DiVirgilio, Natasha Douglas, Dory Fung, Evelyn Garcia, Keisha Griggs, Elizabeth Harbour, Laurie Harvey, Jojo Martinez, Benchawan Jabthong Painter, Alexandra Pena, Kris Sowell, Valerie Trasatti, Fah Vorarittinapa, and Leonora Varvoutis. Celebrating the social progress that women experience with access to health care, contraception, family planning and safe and legal abortion, Lucky Cat recognizes the importance of empowering women to choose the if, when, and how of motherhood. Participants and attendees toasted mothers, sisters, daughters and all women and their health. Held one week before the OTHER Mother’s Day celebration, Lucky Cat recognizes that many women of the industry, working Moms, work on Mother’s Day, and laid claim to Mother’s Day by Choice for all time. The event, with the generous support of Ralph Smith Photography, Roxor Gin, West 32 Soju, Swish and Click photography, Houston Food Finder, silent auction donors and attendees, raised over 8K for women’s health at PPGC and IHWSH.

Photo credits Christine Wright