Health Care Activism By Women Who Know How to Stir the Pot
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Abortion Support Summer Happy Hour Series Raises Over $3000 in July

Thank you to everyone who hosted, planned, volunteered, and came out to support our Abortion Support Summer 2021 Happy Hours.

July 5: At our inaugural event at Poison Girl, we raised $1000 which was donated to CASN. Thanks to Dawn Callaway, Monica Pope and our volunteers.

July 12: Featuring Nneke Iheanacho from AVOW Texas, this event raised $850 for AVOW. Thanks to owner Sarah Liebermann and bar Stars Lainey Collum and Sarah Troxell.

July 19: Co-director of the series Lindsay Rae Burleson donated 25% of the days sales and 100% of her specialty drink menu – with bar bites by Chef Roshni Gurnani and Anita Jaisinghani. Featuring speakers from Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast and The Center for Reproductive Rights. Proceeds of $1500 were donated to the Justice Fund at Planned Parenthood’s Center for Choice.

IHWSH is committed to the promotion of health and safety. We follow CDC and Harris County Public Health guidance regarding the rapidly changing landscape wrought by the coronavirus. As of 07/23, Ready Harris has elevated the threat level to orange. We recommend that unvaccinated individuals, and vaccinated individuals who do not feel well, avoid public gatherings such as ours. Our vaccinated volunteers have elected to resume wearing masks at our events, and we’ll continue to maintain common sense precautions such as frequent handwashing. We will continue to update this site as needed. If your careful consideration of your individual risk prevents you from attending our events, please consider a donation in support of reproductive rights. Thank you for your support and for keeping safe during these challenging times.

The upcoming schedule is as follows:

08/02: Johnny’s Gold Brick, featuring Chef Lyle Bento

08/09: Little Dipper featuring Chef Dawn Burrell

08/17: Toasted Coconut – NOTE! This event is on a TUESDAY

08/23: Anvil

08/30: 93 Til

Go to our Upcoming events page for more details.