7.0 I'll Have What She's Having

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A Holiday Message from IHWSH

As an organization committed to advancing good health, we'd like to share the CDC recommendations regarding holiday travel and gatherings, because we really, really want to see you in 2021.

If at all possible, limit your holiday gathering to those in your household. The CDC recommends avoiding travel this year. If you have plans to travel, please note the CDC guidelines on travel during this holiday season: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html

If you are gathering with people not in your household:

  • Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings.

  • Keep a minimum of 6 feet of distance from others.

  • Stay masked when indoors. Here’s the WHO guidance on donning and removing your mask!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciUniZGD4tY&feature=emb_title

  • Keep plenty of hand sanitizer within reach so that you can clean your hands before and after manipulating your face covering or after touching any surface. Here’s CDC guidance on hand washing: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html

  • Bring a clean paper or plastic bag to store your mask when not in use.

  • If you aren’t feeling well or have been around people not from your household due to work or other social gatherings, please consider graciously declining other invitations to gather.

Whether declining or accepting an invitation during this holiday season, let’s be candid with each other! It’s best to discuss our concerns and the precautions that will be in place at the gathering so each individual can decide if meeting up is safe for them. Here’s a NYT article on this topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/11/parenting/family-gatherings-thanksgiving.html 

While these are not our usual light-hearted party practices, these times do give us pause, and we welcome the reminder to count all our blessings, and to be grateful for the health of all of you.